General recommendations

Here you can find some common guidelines applicable for all currencies within this guide:

      - As a general rule, always try  to be as complete as possible: providing insufficient or incomplete information such as
        initials, abbreviations or acronyms mainly in beneficiary name or address might result in delayed / rejected payments.

      - Account number: In some countries, the IBAN format is mandatory. In all other cases, the usage of an IBAN is
        recommended, where possible.

      - Unless otherwise specified, it is always recommended to add a clear reason/purpose of payment. This information can
         consist of a full written description (in English), a code describing the reason for payment, or a combination of both.
         Please note that providing only a number without guiding text is insufficient and can result in errors or delays.

      - The common practice for international payments is to add information in English and in Latin characters, not in the local
         language of the payer or payee.

      - Mind the decimals: the majority of currencies accept two decimals. Exceptions to this rule will be specified in the
        currency guidelines.

For further information, please check out the technical guidelines of the specific currency. In case you have any further questions, please contact the currency guide mailbox: